If only you could actually see the bobbling action. Picture it bobbling to the tune of
stop wasting your time here.
And if you die in your sleep tonight, you wasted your last day on earth doing laundry, or studying.
Why, so you can look up my nose?
"When a butterfly flaps its wings in New York, it rains in San Francisco.
When Fiona and Alix (edit: those are my sisters) go swimming in China,
there's a tsunami in Indonesia.
Imagine if Becky joined in."
to be continued..
now, point, and scream. PORKER! PORKER! PORKER! try it at home, kids.
Why wasn't the ghost popular at parties?
He wasn't much to look at!
this morning the mgb core had a long and intense meeting in which we established that:
a) there will be no more drastic changes until after voting has commenced and
b) the blog will never be pink.
thank you for considering my plea for black, but please don't throw any more hissy fits because a) it is unattractive and b) it messes with my world view. (at the risk of eliciting another one ... does the disclaimer have to be bold and flourescent green? hehehe i'm kidding i'm kidding ....)
today, 8th may, is 'tiptoe-around-willy-in-case-of-hissy-fit' day. if mgb lasts until next year, we will be celebrating this.
(i hope the rage has fully subsided, if this post is up too soon we are in for another round.)
You scored as You are truly Black. Holla! You is truly a black mofo! Get yo ass in a do-rag and busta rap homie!
Here is a funny picture, now slap me on my back!
actually, its not that funny. i couldnt find anything and the lab needs to be used for some class, hold the slaps!
The rules to bumbling are as follows . . . .
The rules to rambling.....
*Incoherent, Incomprehensive, Inconclusive, Inconsequential
Taking these,
might lead to this..
watch this space, there will be more crap to follow this post of uttter nonsense.