stop wasting your time here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Wanted: A fat person who is willing to be used as a human pinyata for a birthday party.

Pay: Said fat person will be rewarded with a bucket of fried chicken or vouchers to golden arches.

By doing this, you will not only make a little girl very happy, but provide hope to others that wishes do come true. Just picture that look of joy on the girl's face when she wields that stick and hits the pinyata. Do you want to be the person to break her heart? Please lend a helping hand.

Make her happy. Do the right thing.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Assignments due + exams soon, what a way to spend May.
Why is it whenever you need time, you can never find any?

time to procrastinate a little more....
another 20 seconds wasted.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Try this at home

Try to:

- Touch your wrists with your middle fingers, and stick your tongue out.

- Pretend you're biting your ear and swatting a fly.

Do these exercises in front of a mirror.

old news.