stop wasting your time here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

warning signs.

yesterday at work, one of our chairs broke under the slightly heavy weight of a tubby gentleman. and this happened before he had something to eat.
oh dear...

you know that you should go on a diet when:
*you have to buy clothes from plussss size stores
*people handing out free food samples always approach you first
*you break a chair or worse, your bed
*you dislike looking in the mirror
*you totally avoid slim rectangular mirrors
*you open the fridge door more than your front door
*you take up two seats on the subway (now this is just being inconsiderate!)
*you don't have any skinny friends because otherwise walking next to them would make the two of you look like the number 10.

1 comment:

morning glory said...

i swear bex and i were talking last night about a man falling down and breaking his chair. hahaha. i am proud to say i do none of your diet sure signs. huzzah!

old news.