stop wasting your time here.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


i quit from mgb. i thought change was good, hell, it was a majority thing, even lilea and regine thought liked the new look, i spent 3 hours working on it touching it up making it all fancy, and not do my work, instead when i wake up to appreciate my work, i find out its been delted and its just total shit. i hope you saved the template before you changed it all, or else, this is the last post from me. it was fun while it lasted, many jobless hours have been spent at this blog, but there comes a time when you just cant take it anymore, and that moment couldnt come up any sooner for me.


Anonymous said...


Don't quit, Wils!

I'll mail you that LiveStrong bracelet thingie!!

You want??


L said...

.... are you for real?

morning glory said...

wait, if you do that, maybe i might stay. hmmm.

old news.