stop wasting your time here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


it's make your own quote day, so here is my contribution: procrastinating is the pastime of the inventive. (now quote me. i've always wanted to be quoted.)

exams start on wednesday. the past few days have been me eating and watching tv with my uncle, who watches stuff like antique roadshow and culture express on that chinese channel. white girls singing rock songs in mandarin are fascinating. black guys speaking fluent mandarin and confessing that they feel chinese even more so. knowing how much grandma's teddy bear would fetch at a garage sale, not so much.

in other news: i pulled a muscle tinkling on the piano, my extensor carpi ulnaris i think. it hurts. and i thought those 2kg weights at the gym would be my downfall.

i would have probably left the net earlier (ostensibly to study) and not posted at all, but when i signed in to msn to check my mail (i'm too lazy to type in the hotmail url) one of my friends starting unloading their troubles on me out of nowhere. i love all my friends, i do, but as they say, "a friend in need is a pest".

hmm. i hope this blog doesn't get out.

1 comment:

morning glory said...

i have to admit, when a black man can speak fluent mandarin better than me, thats just not right.

old news.