stop wasting your time here.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

eating everything.

you know how chinese people are famous for eating anything that can move? in ancient china, they used to eat dogs and bats. actually, they probably still eat all that and more today.

i had kangaroo meat in australia.. (it was tough and chewy)
and pig's fallopian tubes near my grandpa's office in kl.. (slippery and soft like sotong)

what have you had? :)


L said...

oooh.. how did that taste?

morning glory said...

You are all a bunch of grosslings. Disgusting.. But do you think there are another trio of losers in this world that talk the same way we do? Like fatty this, or laugh at politically incorrect jokes? There has to be right? hehe.

L said...

you mean people who are as witty and entertaining as us?
mmm.. no way! ;)

old news.