stop wasting your time here.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Emgeebe gets neglected quite often. But its much like a retarded baby, where you dont really shower it with much attention (yes, some people do it). And when you neglect a retarded baby, its bound to end up all messed up later in life, but then its okay because no one expected great things from a retarded baby anyway.

And when emgeebe does get attention, you end up getting shit like this.


L said...

this is a PITY comment.

see, now all your hard work hasnt gone to waste!


morning glory said...

Hooray for the return of worthlessness that is lilea.

L said...

this "worthlessness" (is there such a word??) is the only commentor here.. you do realise that dont you?

morning glory said...

Yeah, i realised that too. The fat queen is too busy stuffing her face. Either that, or her fingers are too fat to type anything on the keyboard.

morning glory said...

I'll need some proof plskthx.

old news.