stop wasting your time here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

yay for uglies

I was thinking, in my semesters at uni, im constantly surrounded by uglies, it just isnt right. With maybe one or two exceptions here and there. Instead of looking out for hot girls, i should just hold my own daily ugly girl competition. At least they would win at something right? And i'd too, by laughing loudly or something. Its not like i'd run out of contestants. Its ugly girl central up in here.


Anonymous said...

i've been thinking, do u really mean what u say? or u're just saying things without really meaning them. i mean, u don't seem as mean on the outside, but then, looks can be deceiving...

my point is, i think u are a good person.

morning glory said...

at least its not a porker competition right?

Anonymous said...

this is a very funny blog. i shall visit it more often. such joy in bitching about things. it is always fun to watch people enter the portal that leads to a few years of age decrement.

morning glory said...

Any prospect commenters please click on the 'other' option and enter in a name. It makes quoting people that much easier. And to the second anonymous, we all have plenty of years ahead of us, rest assured.

morning glory said...

hahahahaa BURN.

Anonymous said...


stands for

garbage in shit


morning glory said...


morning glory said...


Unpredictable Mortal said...

geez i was just thinking whether i am categoriezed as being ugly as well as most of the girls in the class that you are in. Seriously, think about it, you are not just bring down their self-esteem, but in return, insulting their parents.

I don't mind being called ugly as i know in the eyes of the one you love, you are always precious and who cares of what YOU think... HAHA!


Anonymous said...

Geez, Wills! Are you kidding me?!!

I was just having this discussion with Chris today about how there are far, far, FAR more hot chicks on campus then there are hot guys!

Sheesh... You ungrateful tweety bird!

You guys have it A LOT better than us, okay?!!

Eddie G. said...

And the nominees are...


Sorry peeps, the Awards have already been concluded. Tune in next year for February 2006 Eddie G. Semestral Commie Awards


old news.