Cos he had noBODY to dance with!
Isnt it a sad reality... Skeleton Jr wasn't popular enough, in fact people shunned him! In school, Skele - lets call him that for short cos Skeleton Jr's just such an awful name - would hide in the science lab, cos his only friend Mr Bones was there. Noone ever told Skele that Bones was only a model...sucker! Skele had a mother, Mrs Skeleton. A father, Mr Skeleton. And a sister, Ally McBeal.. It's TRUE, i wouldnt lie!
So anyways, one day, Skele saw his mother getting attacked by a hungry dog. Did he try to help her? Oh no... Skele wouldnt do that... Skele wasnt brave cos Skele had no GUTS! :P
No one else is lamer than me. I lose.
I TOLD you that joke's been used before. FOOL!
I found it funny! hahahaha noBODY! hahahaha...
umm, this isnt nick posting as anonymous by the way...
I say we stone him. Throw your best insults in this post. Starting *now*.
HOMO Fag. GO home.
I will terrorize your ass in winning eleven, it'll make you retire from the game. w00t.
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