stop wasting your time here.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Finally, what everyone had been waiting for...

August 1st, Monday, 5.35 Am.. A day that will be remembered in EmGeeBe history!

I, Nick , do solemnly and sincerely pledge that,
I will always bear true faith and allegiance to EmGeeBe and its members...
I will uphold the honour of the site and aforementioned members...
I will do my utmost to protect and preserve the honour of EmGeeBe...
With My Life!!

reader : Excuse me your Greatness, what can us insignificants expect from you? will you be as lame and crappy as Mr Em Gee Be himself, William?
Kcin : Shut the Fuck
(do you really have to resort to swearing?) up... Don't talk to me again...
reader : *sorry*

Hope you guys enjoy future post, in store for u are....
undeniably great songs!
your daily dose of controversy!
laughs laughs and more laughs!
insults galore!
and a whole lot more!

Oh and this sucks! no one welcomed me!? Where's the promised welcome wagon?! Where's the champagne and strippers?! Where's the cake and the overweight intoxicated clown?! mmm I hate clowns... clowns scare me... *brrr*


L said...

migawd, you have spent too much time in the army.
you singaporean. seeing as you even created your own pledge of loyalty and what not. haha.

HI NICK! <3.

morning glory said...

LAME. please get out. change your colours too dammit, it doesnt contrast well. MGB is like having its own flurry of activity, how exciting.

morning glory said...

dammit, can everyone stop bashing me!

L said...

hahahaha.. good one linz! :P

old news.