stop wasting your time here.

Friday, June 10, 2005


i went to canada's wonderland today. it was a lot of fun. (when was the last time you baked in the sun, rubbed sweat against random people, ate ice lollies and cotton candy?)
but i think they should have a separate line for people that smell.
"kindly queue here (better yet, go home) if you emit any sort of body odour or if you didn't shower yesterday. thank you for your kind consideration and for helping to keep our canadian air clean" teehee.


morning glory said...

ice lollies? Its ICE CREAM you silly canadian.

L said...

ice lolly is dairy free, doofus. you know.. just ice and sugar.

morning glory said...

Flavoured ice? Canadians are just weird. who the hell eats crap like that. Actually it sounds kind of nice, but for the sake of me being right, its still stupid.

old news.