stop wasting your time here.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


When bored/lost in class, what do you do?

A) Start drawing some crap ass pictures on your paper (mine is always a stick man flying a kite).
B) Stare out the window.
C) Try to flirt with the cute girl in front or beside you.
D) Play with your phone..

Personally, i do all four choices in no particular order, and i hope you do too! Long live the sloths!

1 comment:

L said...

i pick B! :)

although here are more viable options:-
E. first, daydream about what you will be eating after the class ends
F. then think about how far you will have to go to get it
G. pass bitchy notes to your friends and laugh at your classmates or prof
H. nod off to sleep

old news.