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Sunday, March 27, 2005

End of the road.

Why do people make their beds after they wake up? Most people anyway. All you do is leave it for half the day and sleep in it and make the same mess. So why clean up when you know its gonna happen again. Its quite pointless isnt it?

Its not like washing dishes where if you leave them unattended, gunk can grow on the plates. Can gunk grow on beds if left unattended? In my opinion, an unmade bed is just so much more comfortable, cause the blanket and pillows are all nicely placed. You dont have to rearrange the pillows to your personal requirements again. Its good fun. By the way, i do not make my bed, my maid does. :)

1 comment:

L said...

you spoilt brat.

haha.. i disagree though. there is something about crawling into a neatly arranged bed and fluffing up your pillow and duvet so you fit into that comfy nook. its all part of the luxury of sleeping.

old news.