stop wasting your time here.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Happy birthday Lil! (See I got my ooooown picture)

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morning glory said...

Thats just rude and harsh bex. I mean, if you want to say something that hurtful, at least be subtle! hahaha. Well, the pig's day of fun is officially over. So urm, zing her whenever you get the chance.

L said...

ohmigawd.. that is the most adorable picture! hahaa.. i love it, i love it.

morning glory said...

you dont like my picture? Sure its less colourful, but its funny! Dammit, this is like a pig and a cake. COME ON.. No humour involved. At least you got to be smart to understand my picture. pfft....

YEs im bitter, sue me.

morning glory said...

No, im not done yet. I mean, all she did was go to, type in birthday pig and grab the first picture there. Lil, this is just called laziness.

L said...

aww.. poor little moonlight.

i like your picture too! hmm.. well, maybe even slightly more than becky's now because you've scored a few pity points :P

old news.