stop wasting your time here.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

i don't wanna grow up.

i noticed a group of little kids on their way to the playground just now. and, remember waaayy back when we were kids (in primary school) that brought packed lunches to the canteen? they ranged from transparent tupperwares to the latest tv cartoon characters on lunch boxes. either prepacked by either your maid or your mum.
it seems so long ago, doesn't it? because not too quickly after, we learnt how to count/subtract/add and that deemed us mature enough to get lunch money for the canteen :P

i thought about it somemore... and here is a list of yummy things that we all probably had in our lunch boxes:
*ribena : slurrrpp..
*milo/chrysanthemum tea in those cartons : eww.
*cocopops/ trix in small cereal boxes : wheee!
*those crackers and soft cheese melt packages that come with a small red piece of plastic so you can spread the cheese on yourself : so. so. good.
*mini twisties/super ring packets that were available for purchase from your trusty neighbourhood roti-man : ahrm ahrm.
*flavoured pop-tarts : mmm.

and then, certain things that allowed you laugh at your friend if they had any of the following packed for them:
*soggy sandwiches
*especially those with marmite/ spam
*chinese brewed drinks
*raw celery/ carrots

when did we get too old for happy meals at mcdonald's? :)


morning glory said...

I always used to lose my tupperware in school, and get lectured by my mother. :( Happy meals have the coolest toys ever..

morning glory said...

and its spelled ARHM ARHM! Get it right, or dont spell it at all! ahhaha. :)

L said...

ahrm ahrm.

morning glory said...

two against one, and that my fat friend, is why you're just a sidekick.

L said...

poo to you.

old news.