stop wasting your time here.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I'm dying, please help.

I remember telling bex about this itch i had in my throat and stuff. Well, that itch has now worsened and i have lost my voice. Not only does it hurt when i cough, no one can ever hear me speak, which just sucks. And, to add insult to injury, i played football and ended up with a messed up hamstring. This sucks ass! Oh, did i mention i slept funny and i got a sore neck now and its on a permanent tilt to the right. This is too much for one day, im gonna go cry myself to sleep now. :(

ps: i thought about it, red just seems too damn bright.
i shall be sticking with this colour.

1 comment:

morning glory said...

You sure a cheeseburger helps? hmmmmm. I need to stay away from oily foods silly. It does sound tempting tho. haha.

old news.